This is what I heard being screamed from the front walk as Kailyn hurled herself towards the front door. I literally thought she was being chased by someone. Her scream was scared/excited/spastic. Not a sound I hear very often.
We met at the front door. My heart racing while looking for the perpetrator that must certainly be chasing her!
Next I heard...
"The icecream man is on OUR STREET! HURRY!"
"Sorry Honey, you have to ask Daddy for dollars. You know I never have any."
She immediately burst into tears.
I supposed I should mention that we live in a culdesac. All summer long we can hear the ice cream trucks come and go in the neighborhood somewhere but never come down our street. She has saved her change many a time, only to wait and wait for the illusive icecream truck. So the event of one actually driving down the street was the cause for such hysteria!
Back to the tears...she was crying so hard as she walked down the hallway that Mark could not even understand her. She finally got her point across and he took her outside to visit the icecream man.
By this time he had rounded the culdesac and was on his way out. They raced across the street and Kailyn got her coveted treat.
Ahh...the little things in life to remember, right?
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